Love on the road

What’s It Like Dating Norwegian Girls?

Dating Norwegian girls can be a special kind of hell if you don’t go in prepared, but it can also be a special kind of heaven if you do. These Scandinavian goddesses are sweet, gorgeous, and open-minded enough to make any guy happy.

And today, I am here to talk about Norwegian girls, what it’s like dating one and how to better understand the women in this part of the world. A perfect guide for foreigners and expats, in other words!

There are subtleties of culture and as a foreigner, you are in for some unexpected situations with or without this article.

The goal is to prepare you as much as possible, though, so let’s dive right in and see how it’s like dating Norwegian girls. Also, I’ve compared Scandinavian girls by country, in case you’re interested.

They Can Come Across Cold

portrait of beautiful Norwegian girl

It’s not just the weather, girls in Norway can be icy cold if you let them.

There are places in the world where your foreigner status alone would give you some major extra points. Norway is not one of them.

This is why I always recommend switching your day game or night game into the online game: joining a dating website like International Cupid might seem lame to some and outdated, but it works flawlessly and gives you minimal amounts of headaches – and plenty of prospects!

Back to Norwegian girls, it’s worth mentioning that Norway is a proud nation and for all the right reasons.

Also, the living standard is quite high, so foreign men do not get the gold diggers as it happens in poorer countries. You can think of that as something positive. At least if she likes you, she likes you for who you are!

Which brings me to…

Dating Norwegian Girls Is Refreshingly Straightforward

Norwegians are not like women from the Balkans, for example, who are often very coy.

There are few nations that are as no-BS about dating as Norwegians. If she thinks you are cute, she will come over and flirt in most cases if you don’t do it. Although, obviously, don’t just rely on that.

It is always nice for the guy to take initiative, that much is internationally true. So don’t just go out, hang around and expect all the Norwegian women to start flocking to flirt with you. You still have more chances if you take the initiative!

As for rejections, though, be prepared to get your fair share of them. The girls can be very direct, which might have them seem rude when rejecting you, but it’s just the way they are.

(Again, this is another reason why I prefer going the online route with the website recommended above: to avoid those rejections which, no matter how skilled or experienced you are, still hurt).

But here is the twist: to Norwegians, this is just how life works. There is much less playing games when you are dating Norwegian girls. Love you or hate you, they will let you know.

Expect her to be more assertive than most women in Europe (or even women in general). What can I say, when you look as good as these girls do, and when you have such a strong and independent personality, it’s allowed.

So if you want to meet Norwegian girls online, your best bet is this website – sign up now and make it easier for you to find somebody.

You Will Have A Lot Of Competition

Norwegian couple

Unlike Slavic or Balkan countries, where local guys are at best unimpressive and they also smoke and drink themselves to an early grave, Norwegian men are actually very difficult competition.

Tall, light hair, muscular (but not to the point of being freakishly buff), Norwegian guys are some fine specimen, to be honest. I’ve written an in-depth article about them here, if you’re curious.

Your competitive edge, though, will be the approach.

Just as the girls can get cold and unpleasant, guys can be very cocky and reluctant to approach women.

Which means that if you present yourself as a friendly foreigner that is genuinely impressed by how beautiful she is (and later on by her conversation and wits), you automatically become more desirable.

Dating Norwegian girls is all about the chase. She will keep you working for it, even after she made it clear that she’s interested. Flatter her ego and you will win her over in no time.

Dating in Norway is NOT Like Dating in Eastern Europe

I might have mentioned it a few times (ok, more than a few times but it should sink in), Norway is a very economically advanced country.

Read: people are rich, the cost of living in Norway in high (and by the way your Oslo getaway might end up costing you much more than you think!) and often snobby.

It takes much more to impress a Norwegian girl. She, on the other hand, will have a lot of that ‘I am an independent woman and I don’t have to dress pretty or do anything to impress guys’ attitude.

And yes, being pretty is not the price a girl pays for existing in the world. What does get annoying is how a lot of Norwegian women have impossibly high expectations of guys while hardly bothering at all to follow similar standards.

For instance, great style is almost a must for you but you should tell her that she looks pretty even in that frumpy old sweatshirt.

And It Isn’t a Feminazi-Free Idily Out Here Either

While there is nothing wrong with feminism in itself, feminazis are a species that you really don’t want to deal with when dating Norwegian girls (or any other girls for that matter).

Sadly, you will have to. Most women in Norway are all about ‘social justice’. Actually, scratch that – the entire country loves their social justice laws and programs. They can afford them, which is good.

What isn’t good, though, is that there are hardly any obstacles or discrimination against women yet a lot of them still act as if they were enslaved not a few years ago.

Eastern European girls are traditional and they frown upon third-wave feminism.

Norwegian girls are not always above being feminazis. It comes with wealth and having fewer actual problems, I think.

Dating Norwegian girls is a lot like dodging a bunch of bullets before you find gold. But once you do…

Norwegian Women Are Great Partners

viking looking Norwegian woman

Yes, I actually said partners.

At least 30 or more percent of board level professionals are women. Girls in Norway are encouraged to pursue a career and become independent and financially stable.

They are not used to relying on a guy (or any relationship for that matter) to support them financially. In fact, she will even find it weird and slightly unfair that you would pay for dinner at your first date. Splitting the bill all the way!

And it goes beyond paying for food, of course.

If you guys decide to settle down together, she will be an equal partner in providing for the family.

There are no expectations of you, being the guy, to have to take more financial responsibility. In that sense, you can forgive some Norwegian girls for their feminazi tendencies.

Unlike other places in the world, here they actually want equality and all of it, too (even the part where they don’t get free dinner).

Which is a great thing in my opinion – not just because it saves you some money early on, but because you actually get a girl with a solid, impressive mentality.

But You Will Have To Do Your Share Of Chores, Too

Yes, that is another aspect of equality. Just as she will be paying for her part of the bill, you will have to do some chores around the house. That is not so bad, though, because you can use it to your advantage.

You say you are not that great with chores but you do love to cook. I mean, it’s probably the oldest trick in the book, offering to cook for a girl to get her back to your place. But it works like charm if you mean it.

Cooking (along with dancing) is one of the most attractive skills you could have as a male on this planet.

First off, you flatter the ‘I am all about equality’ part of her.

Secondly, you get to score a nice date.

Thirdly, she now sees you as boyfriend material and someone that she would actually want to invest in – just don’t lie, she will soon find out if you can’t cook! Which by the way…

The Time and Effort She Invests Matter to Her

This one kind of ties in with the straightforwardness part. Dating Norwegian girls is purposeful.

If she chooses to go out with you (read ‘invest time to spend with you’) it is because at least in part she sees you as a potential partner. Enjoy the perspective of ending up with a model-like girl for the long run!

Once you do, you will see that there’s a lot more behind that initial coldness.

Norwegian girls end up as very loving partners that treasure equality, but know how to offer a good time – both physically and emotionally. They are a special breed and you should treat them accordingly.

Wrapping up

Do you have any personal experiences of dating Norwegian girls that you want to share? Or maybe some hot tips to hack the dating game in Norway? Either way, let us know in the comments.

PS: Online dating options in Norway are scarce, but you can try International Cupid and Tinder.

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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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  1. I randomly came across this website out of curiosity, and as a Norwegian girl I must say some of the things mentioned above could be true but not all. Norwegian women do like independence, we do like doing things on our own because of our strong belief in equality. When it comes to high standards, for myself I think the standards we have are more related to how mature the man is rather than anything else. Norwegian women do prefer mature men.

    Like you can have a fun and playful side, as long as you are still mature and know when to be serious. But all in all Norwegian women think very differently. For myself I feel like I am pretty different from the general Norwegian girl, but that is pretty normal as well. And with Norwegians coming off as cold, that is a very “First time we meet you thing”. Most Norwegians are super warm, friendly and sweet when you get to know them.

    We just like to keep our distance in public, but with people we are close with we are super warm and sweet. And when you are properly dating a Norwegian girl, you have found someone who is loyal and wants to be in a relationship for a long time. Most of my friends are in long lasting relationships because that’s what a lot of Norwegians value, which I think is great! 🙂

    1. How wonderful and blessed we are to hear from a Norwegian girl, which is after all the subject of the article!

      One point was missed, and one which actually makes me very warm to them – their thoughtfulness and honest naturalness. For an Englishman, along with imagination and humour, comfort is everything, and there is something very familiar and cosy about the Norwegians, like a much-loved favourite pullover, but one of real quality fate rarely delivers, perhaps once in a lifetime if you are lucky.

      Because of my blond hair and beard, Norway is one of the few places abroad I am sometimes mistaken for a local. This has its hazards. When I was 24, I visited Oslo. I was in a museum and the most beautiful girl with hip-length flaxen hair smiled at me and said in a soft voice something in Norwegian. I did not understand a word, and the opportunity passed, alas. I still think of her today.

      1. I feel your pain bro!
        I had the same experience while studying at Norway. This really good looking girl was talking to me in Norwegian, and I responded with a few sentences in norwegian and continued nodding to what she was saying. After a while she asked something and I was like….. sorry I don’t speak norsk, and that was that.
        Even though we saw eachother at school quite a few times, we never spoke again. lol

  2. Haha, I loved reading this article, and especially the comments. It’s always fun to see someone analyzing us norwegians. Too bad the men who read and commented the article found your description scary.
    All I can say, persobalities vary, everywhere.
    Sincerely, Norwegian girl (from the north)

  3. I am a man and the men who dislike Norwegian women just speak for themselves, not for us all. Some of us love our partner trying to be equal and provide financially to the family, so not just men are having a job.

  4. I have not met any Norwegian girls in person yet, but I think the types described in this article may be more stereotype than reality. Certainly there must be some who exemplify those attitudes, but how could we be sure those are really the norm? Usually, the norm is a much less intense version of the most extreme representatives, and often represents only a certain region, such as girls from a capitol city, or from a major financial center, rather than women from other regions or cities, whose attitudes and personalities would likely differ significantly. As someone interested in Norwegian culture, and people, I suppose I accept this piece as a valid expression of one man’s dating experiences, and a single piece of a 10,000 piece puzzle, rather than as the end-all of Norwegian women.

    As for the male commenters who felt they could take this article as definitive of Norwegian women, and use it as grounds to judge all their characters, their ignorance, and cultural bias, particularly obvious patriarchy, is clear and unfortunate. Their opinions are easily dismissed. Glad to see the Norwegian women commenters laughing their through those men’s comments. As for the “Femi-Nazi” subtitle, I must ask the author, how serious are you being there, or are just being hyperbolic so you can hit a little higher on the google search list? Is female equality in society offensive to you, or just something you feel privileged enough to mock because you think you can? Maybe it would have been better to tell us readers your one story of your own date who had something to say you felt was inappropriate, instead of type casting? Typing is too easy. For being a professional blogger, you might try to tell us about so more normal girls, instead of only the model types you managed to date. Many girls are very attractive in any society have nothing to prove to a man. They can have their pick. Why would Norwegian models be different? So that is unconvincing.

    The blog article is a halfway decent first start at the topic. Could use more research. Hopefully, more real Norwegian women will comment and set us straight!

  5. RJ, thank you for your input. As I said in the article, I have absolutely nothing against feminism and nothing that I wrote would even suggest that I have anything against equality. On the contrary, I am a firm believer that this is the only way that I believe that society can function. BUT some people end up in the other extreme – as it is the case of misogynists who take it to the extreme, the same can be said about feminazis. There is a huge and important difference between being a feminist (fighting for equal rights, which is admirable) and a feminzai (considering that females are superior to men). I hope this makes it even clearer than it was already in the article.

    Regarding stereotyping – I always agree that this is something that unfortunately has to be done for entertainment values and painting a picture that’s as clear as possible. Surely, not all women are like that and I didn’t claim it to be like that. Ultimately, it’s one’s personal experiences with Norwegian women that influence the way that they perceive them. I haven’t had a chance to meet them all and talk with them all, but the article does sum up the experience that I had during my time in the country.

  6. I have been living and working in the south-east of Norway for two years now, and have dated 4 girls over these years, like real dating, not a one-night-stand.
    It has been very unpleasant so far and those relationships have lasted between 3 months to 8 months.

    Most of the single girls ONLY are looking for one night stand, which involves getting drunk in the weekend at a bar or club and take a guy to their place.
    For many, their friends are first then are colleagues and in the end, is the guy who they are dating that is important; for example, if they have to pick between going to dinner with colleagues or the guy that they are dating, it would be their colleagues.

    Those nice girls who are like an angel are 99.9999% in a relationship with someone from childhood or when they were in high school, so chances that you find someone that wants to maintain a relationship is next to nothing, especially if the girl lives in a big city like Oslo, Drammen or Tønsberg, as they want to try new things and by things I mean new guys.

    I have been living in different countries and travelled in many countries in Europe, and I never had this trouble before I come to Norway.

    I don’t think I can ever fall in love again in Norway.

    1. I am scratching my head here, because this is not stereo typical for Norwegian women really. We value our independence and many can be pretty free also… but the stereotyping you do is maybe the same girls you find out at the bars every weekend… So not the best place to find something serious. Girls in general value a long term relationship and are very committed to that with the right partners. Sounds like you have met people who just were not that serious.

  7. Hello, I would like to chime in here. I am from the states and have been courting a girl from the Bergin area for 20 years now. We have been dating other people; her in Norway and me here. We now find ourselves in the romantic online dating scenario and I can say; she is more than any guy could dream of. Yes, she is independent and knows what she wants. If you are a guy that does not like that then you have issues with your own insecurities. Do not expect to date a beautiful woman with issues. They know you will be a needy hovering guy that will make their life miserable. Instead, understand that her looks and personality (independence) are what attracted you in the first place, and if your lucky you will get the chance to earn her for the rest of your life. Moreover, she will earn you as well.

  8. Norwegian woman here,
    I enjoyed the read and the comments, but it is a little silly to take just one article of one man’s dating experience so seriously as to regard it as general knowledge or popular opinion.
    The other Norwegian women say they are laughing at the men’s comments because if this article were to scare a man away, he would be exactly the type of man that we wouldn’t care to date anyway. We like strong minded men, emotionally intelligent, mature, and secure in themselves, and there are many men who are this way.
    You show us right away with comments like that, you are not for us, with that kind of small, insecure, patriarchal mindset.
    Patriarchy is also probably a trigger word for these men, and cause them to say “feminazi” simply because lack of understanding, emotional intelligence and empathy.
    Small minded men are not able to meet us on our level, and so he complains of cold personalities and “feminazi” ism to comfort himself from rejection.
    The author comes off a bit self-absorbed and invested in his own opinions, but remember, he has had only limited experience with us, and we don’t know his looks, his personality, his personal dating preferences or biases etc.
    For the author to say he believes in equality while also generalizing Norwegian women as icy feminazis because he was not able to bed Norwegian women as much as he had hoped to, as well as being defensive of his writing in this way, is a bit embarrassing for him… he seems not to actually care about or understand equality, as he does not mention any Norwegian laws or experiences of the Norwegian women he met who spoke to him on this subject, only including his ignorant statement of thinking there is no reason for women to speak on equality (because he is more interested in sex than intellectual stimulating conversation.)
    This article also panders mostly to men who are possibly visiting Norway and hoping to bed or date a Norwegian woman, and the fact that there is an intellectual challenge involved turns small men away, which is actually exactly as we like it.
    Hopefully reading this just continues to scare all the small minded men away from us “icy” women. This article is doing us some favors.

  9. I am wondering if a Scandinavian woman would be willing to relocate to the US or are they only interested in having someone move to their location?

  10. As a Norwegian woman myself, it’s a difficult choice to move abroad for love because we have “it all” here, especially health care and well paid jobs. So moving abroad would almost all the time would be a downgrade for us.. now before people rage at me for saying that it all comes down to the individual.. I met my boyfriend in England and I love him and I’m currently moving to England for him.. but I wouldn’t move to England if it wasn’t for him because life here is so good..
    If you meet someone who lives you they will consider moving abroad no matter where you live 🙂 sorry my English is not the best ..

  11. Norway is a beautiful country in the backyard of my mind, and the people are as polite, educated, as kind. The whole of Norway looks more beautiful because of the brown hair of the girls. I Loved Norway and Norweg.

  12. norwegian women really do not know what they want in realtionships. Coming from the north of Tromsø, the marriage rate is abysmal and the future generations are at a crossroads as the modern generation of women care nothing for long term relations nor marriage. Just a fact of a hedonistic new nouveau riche samfunn (society). Take the good with the bad. Norway has good jobs and free healthcare but dont move here thinking your food cravings or family life will be equally as good. Reality will kick in and then you can go visit the fjords and fjells and just be yourself.

  13. Let me just say one thing:
    In southern Europe we have a saying: “Well-being destroys man more than need.”
    However, after the inevitable, imminent collapse of modern Western society, everything will be put back into place and natural order will be restored.

  14. A lot of aggression in comments. I am in pure love with one Norwegian girl. We never became into something due to different factors outside of what this article says. Maybe in future we can become something but I have to tell she is all the way different from what article says and what comments say from both genders.

    We tend to generalize people to make it easier to understand certain societies but we have to know these general opinions are only surface of a person. There is unique life and character under each individual. With enough amount of empathy, anyone would open the door into their lifes. There are always risks to meet the general negative experiences from that or this country but I met only one Norwegian girl and she was the most humble, kind and compassionate girl I ever met.

  15. I was until recently in a Partnership relationship (fundamentally married) to a Norwegien girl in Sydney Australia for 13 years.

    Before her I was married to a Finnish model for 7 years.

    90% of all Norwegian and Finnish Girls are truly beautiful!

    It is not a myth! Norwegian and Finnish girls are all beautiful, 90% natural blondes with super high cheek bones, big wide friendly smiles, square jaws, piercing electric, deep set dark blue eyes, athletic, super fit, generally tall, over 5 foot 8 inches (if you are not fit, you will be challenged to keep up with her!) they are all very active outdoors sports girls.

    So if you are an indoors, TV kinda of guy, than I suggest you not even bother!

    They are, Supermodel beautiful, very smart and frustratingly independent and do not like being messed around.

    But, if you crack their heart open, they will devour you and love you like nothing you can imagine.

    Enjoy !

    They don’t care about your money, they have enough of their own, they want independent smart guys who are immune to their beauty!

    They already know they are beautiful!

    You have to be able to ignore their beauty and treat them like they are just the ordinary girl next door from your own country.

    If you can be yourself, be interesting and these girls do like non Nord looking men, physical opposites attract!

    You will be surprised, these beautiful Nord dreams will fall in love with you!

    Believe me!

    They are not as Ice Cold as they look!

  16. Hello! When a younger man I plucked many pretty flowers in the sunny meadow, some pretty ones and some not that pretty. However as a man of over eight (8) decades of walking this earth, we are all walking the same direction but most of us walk on our own pathway and get to where we want to go in our own way.

    The women folk of Norway have their own special pathway and that is very good to be self assured and independent. Like a good soldier a discipline is a better map to follow when setting your goals and ambitions while the time you have to be a citizen.

    Therefore I would appreciate the life patterns of what the Norwegian lady moves towards. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world and life is a twist without a doubt and sometimes we can never figure it out. The best to all, RONALD BRUCE ELLIS, Portland, Oregon.

  17. I was involved in an extra-marital affair with a Norwegian woman from the northern part of the country. She was the married one, and on holiday abroad when we met each other in Greece.

    I, being an American, had never dated a woman outside the states other than a one night stand. My opinion is likely influenced by the fact that she was very unavailable in many ways due to being married and a mother. Also, it will be influenced by the type of person this individual was specifically.

    I strategically placed myself close to her when I first saw her, but she did not even give me a chance to make a move. She walked right up to me in the middle of the street and approached me and made her interest in me very obvious. Her eyes lit up when she heard my America English, I’m sure our dominance in music and film has a part.

    She was certainly very straightforward about her intentions, though neither of us saw it turning romantic as quickly as it did or the romance leaving Greece with us I should say. When I visited her in Norway, i definitely felt more of a warm and down to earth person, but still an absolute snob about Norway being the terrific nation that it is.

    My debate with her was not Norway as a terrific nation, but that simply she does not fully understand that the social dynamic in a place like Norway and the US is very different and that their great Nordic model can not be plugged in anywhere. She had NO PROBLEM letting me pay for everything when we were together, but I also insisted so, being brought up in the traditional way that the man takes the financial hit always.

    She was definitely a big drinker, kind of problematic to take somebody seriously when the drunk and sober talk does not always align. She was 100% strong willed and independent though, but still made it very clear she was into manliness and a man being in control, kind of contradictory to what I have read about most Scandinavian women. Even though I would pick up the bill, i did not find her to be any type of gold digger or materialistic in any way.

    What i found weirdest was the amount of male friends she had, who she openly admitted to having relations with in the past, and that these were just friends of hers. Obviously she is married so not like I expected monogamy here, but she would try to make it seem like it is a cultural norm in Norway for a woman to have all these guy friends with which at one point in her life she did it just for fun.

    There was never a platonic relationship between us two. I started to question if she was manipulating or just the cultural norms of love and more are just that different in Norway.

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